A Review of Pathogenic Microbiology

- 90% of the pathogenic microbes that you’ll ever be infected with are in your body already.

- Exogenous infection: derived from environmental pathogens.

- Endogenous infection:  comes from host’s microbial ecology (flora).  

- Latent infection: occurs after a pathogen has been dormant in the host, in some cases, years after exposure.

- Infectious microbes are classified into species: bacteria, spirochetes, viruses, rickettsiae, chlamydiae, fungi, protozoa, and helminthic worms.

- Bacteria are single-cell microorganisms with well-defined cell walls and the ability to multiply independently without the need for a host cell.  In underdeveloped countries, where poor sanitation heightens the risk of infection, bacterial diseases commonly cause death. Even in industrialized countries, they’re still sources of common diseases.

a. Bacteria can be classified by  

   1. Shape: spherical-shaped bacteria are called coccus

                   rod-shaped bacteria are called bacillus

                   spiral-shaped bacteria are called spirilla

   2. their response to staining with dyes

   3. their motility or their ability to move

   4. their tendency to enclose themselves with a membraneous capsule

   5. their oxygen requirements

- Rickettsiae are intracellular bacteria carried and transmitted by fleas, ticks, lice. Examples include Typhus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever (can develop into pneumonia, hepatitis, and endocarditis). (cases are found in the US) (zoonotic)

- Spirochetes are classified somewhere between bacteria and protozoa.

  The three forms that are pathogenic in humans are Treponema (syphillis), Leptospira (Toxoplasmosis), Borrelia (Lyme Disease).

- Chlamydiae, classified somewhere between viruses and bacteria, are larger than viruses and are found to be intracellular obligate (restricted to a host) bacteria. Unlike other bacteria, they depend on host cells for replication; and unlike viruses, they’re susceptible to antibiotics.

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. The most common sites of infection are the cervix in women and the urethra in men. Cervicitis or urethritis can appear up to 28 days after contact. Untreated Chlamydia can cause severe infection leading to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and cervical dysplasia. Complications during pregnancy can also occur, including premature birth and infection of the infant.

- Viruses are subcellular organisms made up of only a RNA or DNA nucleus covered with various proteins. Viruses are by-far the smallest of the pathogenic micro-organisms, so tiny that they can only be viewed through an electron microscope. Viruses cannot replicate independent of host cells. Rather, they invade a host cell and stimulate it to participate in the formation of additional virus particles. The estimated 400+ viruses that infect humans are classified according to 1. nucleic acid type: RNA or DNA 2. shape: spherical, rod-shaped, or cubic 3. means of transmission (by respiratory, fecal, oral, or sexual routes).

Fungus is the general term describing yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. They have rigid cell walls like plant cells but lack chlorophyll (the green matter necessary for photosynthesis).  They show relatively little cellular specialization and can reproduce asexually (by budding) and sexually (by the formation of spores).  Fungi can change their form from living fungus to the dormant spore and remain that way for thousands of years only to return to a living fungus when the correct conditions arise. It is estimated that over half-a-million different species of fungi exist on earth. If plants, animals, and humans stay alive and well, most fungi are unable to over-come the immunity which these higher forms of life possess. But once death occurs to the plant, animal or human, the fungi reduce all that have ever lived on earth into dust.

- Yeasts are single-celled fungi which can ferment carbohydrates, producing ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast organisms produce germ tubes that can grow in human and animal tissues. The germ tubes known as mycelia are filamentous, thread-like structures that the yeast puts out in search of water and nutrients. An over-growth of yeast in the body is characterized by tangled masses of mycelia and large numbers of budding yeasts. The most common pathogenic yeast that affects humans is Candida albicans.

- Molds are multi-cellular filamentous fungi that commonly form a rough, fur-like coating on moist decaying matter. Molds can create spore colonies in human tissues, however this is usually seen in compromised hosts.

- Mushrooms are classified as spored or gilled and can range from choice edible to highly toxic.  Some mushrooms such as Amanita muscaria produce a narcotic effect in small doses and are lethal in large doses.

Protozoa belong to the animal kingdom, i.e. they contain eukaryotic cell structure; however they are single-cell microorganisms and show a high level of cellular specialization.  Three phyla of protozoa (Sarcomastigophora, Apicomplexa, and Cilophora) contain important clinical species of human parasites.    

-         Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery.

-         Trichmonas vaginalis causes vaginitis.

-         Coccidium oviforme causes hepatitis.

-         Plasmodium vivax causes malaria.

Helminths are worms and worm-like parasites; they include nematodes, cestodes and trematodes.

-         Nematodes are cylindrical, unsegmented, elongated helminths that taper at each end; this shape has rendered them the common name “roundworms”.

-         Cestodes are better known as tapeworms and possess bodies that are flattened  front to back with distinct segments.

-         Trematodes have flattened, unsegmented bodies. They are flukes classified as intestinal, liver, lung, or blood flukes depending on their infection site.

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Bacteria can replicate very rapidly, sometimes doubling their population in 5 minutes. The reproductive processes can produce genetic changes that produce bacterial defenses against any given antibiotic drug – producing an enzyme that acts on the drug rendering it harmless. Bacteria have the surviving capability to learn, adapt and resist the single chemical antibiotic. The major advantage of antibacterial herbs is the complex chemical nature of herbal remedies i.e. over 20 known alkaloids in Goldenseal Root, 35 known active components in Garlic, and over 60 biological phenolic constituents in Chaparral Leaf.

Haemophilus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas have emerged as common antibiotic-restistant bacteria that can lead to chronic, debilitating illnesses including sinus, ear, and throat infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, gum and tooth infections, bone infections, meningitis, endocarditis, skin diseases, nephritis, urinary tract infections, and uterine & vaginal infections.  

For example, when a strain of bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae is treated with any    of the penicillins, most of the infecting colony dies. But a few of the invading streptococcus microorganisms with adaptive resistant genes will survive. Those remaining microbes stay immunologically resistant to the penicillin drugs thereafter. 

Steps to slow down the emergence of Antibitoic-Resistant Bacteria

1. Take antibiotics only if you need them.

2. Take them according to the prescription and for as long as the prescription indicates.

3. Maintain a healthy immune system.

4. Eat organic foods and meats that have not been exposed to antibiotics.

5. Use herbs as antibiotic alternatives; they do not cause resistance in bacteria.


Antibacterial Herbs are described as antibacterial rather than an antibiotic.

A. assist the body to strengthen its own immune resistance against pathogenic bacteria.

B. contain a specific chemistry in which plant constituents are antibacterial.

1. Antibacterial mechanisms of action:

      - antimetabolites (the increased production of antibodies)

      - direct bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal activity

      - inhibition of specific enzymes released by bacteria

      - cell wall synthesis inhibition

      - protein synthesis inhibition

Infection Fighter   aka   INF-Fighter 

Contents: Goldenseal Root, Echinacea Root, Chaparral Leaf.

Medicinal Actions: antimicrobial, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, alterative, vulnerary, bitter tonic, cholegogue, aperient, hepatic stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, anthelmintic.

Indications: infection primarily (possessing a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect and will aid & support the natural process of defense and immunity), bacterial infections, skin diseases (acne, boils, cysts, ulcers), infected wounds, dysbiosis, fungal infections, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, Chlamydiae, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, leucopenia, septicemia, fever, gum disease, tooth abscess, tonsillitis, throat infections, bronchitis, ear infections, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, breast infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, venereal diseases, cancer, warts, animal and snake bites, vaccine reaction.  Dosage: variable depending on individual circumstances; generally speaking, a dose of 2-3 ml. = 2-3 droppersful = 60-90 drops 4-6 times daily is a therapeutic dosage range for most of the conditions listed above.  The dosage frequency should be modified only after significant symptom relief to 2-3 ml. 3 times daily.  

Pre-Cautions:  Contraindicated in pregnancy, pathologic fevers, leukemia, acute nephritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, or allergic hypersensitivity to the formula.

Goldenseal Root     Hydrastis Canadensis

- contains over 20 known isoquinoline alkaloids (mainly berberine, hydrastine, berberastine, canadine, candaline, hydrastinine)

- the antimicrobial effects have been demonstrated in vitro against pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses including:


 Staphylococccus spp.                    Vibrio cholerae                         Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Streptococccus spp.                      Diplococcus pneumonia            Neisseria meningitidis   

Chamydia spp.                             Pseudomonas spp.                     Treponema pallidum

Corynebacterium diphtheria       Shigella dysenteriae                   Giardia lamblia

Escherichia coli                          Entamoeba histolytica                Leishmania donovani

Salmonella typhi                         Trichomonas vaginalis               Candida albicans


- Goldenseal Root does not disrupt healthy intestinal ecology – Paul Bergner

- Historically we learned Goldenseal from the American Indians. The Cherokees taught the golden bitter roots benefit skin eruptions, mouth ulcers, wounds, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vaginal hemorrhaging.

- The Eclectics taught Goldenseal Root’s action is trophorestorative to the mucous membranes throughout the body. “A tonic for irritated, inflamed, or ulcerated mucous membranes”

- Goldenseal Root is “cooling”. Comparative study showed that Goldenseal lowered fever three times more effectively than aspirin.

- Increases blood flow through the spleen.

- Stimulates oxytocin production.

- Specific indications:  1. purulent exudates 2. infectious diarrhea 

- Goldenseal Root does purge so don’t over dose this one.

- Does not mask drug testing. 

- Goldenseal substitutes?

Echinacea Root      Echinacea purpurea

- chief components: Glycosides and Polysaccharides

  a. Glycosides – isobutylamides and polyacetylenes (oil soluble)

  b. Polysaccharides -  cichoric acid, cynarin, and echinacoside (water soluble)

- the 3 most common Echinacea species E. purpurea, E. angustifolia, E. pallida

The medicinal activity of Echinacea:

- anti-inflammatory

 - vulnerary

- increases WBC count

- increases antibody production (primarily alpha 1 and alpha 2 gammaglobulins)

- inhibits the activity of hyluronidase

- protection from free radical damage

- stimulation of cell-mediated immunity

- increases macrophage count

- fever lowering action

- stimulation of the complement system

- increases interferon production

- stimulates natural killer T-cells

- inhibits tumor growth

- promotes lymphatic drainage

- anti-fungal action

The Eclectics used Echinacea Root as a diaphoretic, sialogogue, and alterative. They indicated its usefulness in snake and spider bites, for skin abscesses, carbuncles, bed sores, slow healing wounds, cancerous cachexia, septicemia, tonsillitis, typhoid fever, smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis, and as an “Anti-toxin” for blood impurities.

- Harvey Felter, MD in 1898 stated “I am convinced that success in certain cases depends upon the fact that the patient must have at times a sufficiently large quantity of this remedy in order to produce full antitoxic effects on the virulent infections. I would therefore emphasize the statements that I have previously made that it is perfectly safe to give Echinacea in massive doses—from two drams (about 1/8th an ounce) to ½ an ounce every two or three hours, for a time at least, when the system is overwhelmed with these toxins. This applies to tetanus, anthrax, actinomycosis, pyemia, diphtheria, hydrophobia, and meningitis.”

- Precautions: Echinacea is non-toxic; however, it is suggested by some authorities that it should be used no longer than 6 weeks at a time due to its immune stimulating activity. And it is speculated that Echinacea is contra-indicated for use in persons with auto-immune disorders.

- Paul Bergner: in 10 years researching scientific literature and interviewing physicians, he was unable to find a single case in which Echinacea was blamed for worsening an autoimmune condition.  

Chaparral Leaf    Larrea tridentata

- grows only in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

- actions: antioxidant, antimicrobial, tumor inhibition, anti-inflammatory, bitter tonic.

- resinous leaves contain the potent antioxidant, nordihydroguaiuretic acid (NDGA) classified as a phenolic lignan.

- NDGA is a hydrogen donor and inhibits lipoxygenase more effectively than any compound ever tested. It also inhibits benzopyrene, one of the major carcinogens in cigarette smoke.                  

- Cancer treatment: Chaparral has been found to be cytotoxic to tumor cells by inhibiting tumor cellular respiration. The infamous malignant melanoma case in 1968.

- NDGA also inhibits cGMP which normally occurs when cells are stimulated by tumor promoters—research showing NDGA inhibits anaerobic respiration by blocking mitochondrial NADH oxidase and succinoxidinase gives a possible mechanistic explanation for inhibiting the primary respiratory pathway of cancers.

- NDGA was found to form a stable complex with human DNA.

- NDGA is strongly bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal primarily because it reacts chemically with numerous bacterial enzyme systems and renders them catalytically inactive.

- Organisms susceptible to NDGA demonstrated in vitro


Actinomyces viscosus                         Norcardia asteroides                Sporothrix schenkii      

Agrobacterium tumefaciens                Pasteurella multocida               Torula utilis

Bacillus spp.                                       Proteus vulgaris                        Aspergillus spp.

Bordetella bronchisepta                    Pseudomonas aeruginos           Fusarium spp. 

Brucella canis                                   Salmonella enteritides              Hyphomyces destruens  

Corynebacterium spp.                      Sarcina lutea                            Mucor spp.

Ersipelothrix rhusiopathae               Shigella spp.                            Pennicillum cetrinum

Escherichia coli                                Staphylococcus aureus           Pythium spp.

Gaffkya tetragena                            Streptococcus spp.                  Rhizontonia solani

Lactobacillus acidophils                Blastomyces dermatitis           Trichophyton mentragrophytes

Leptotrichia spp.                             Candida albicans                     Eimeria tenella

Micrococcus spp.                            Cryptococcus newoformans      Entamoeba invadens 

Mycobacterium spp.                       Histoplasmosis capsulatum      Tetrhmena pyriformis

Neisseria spp.                                Saccharomyces cerevisiae


- Precautions:  Not to be used during pregnancy. Not for use in large amounts in persons with pre-existing kidney disease and liver conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. No animal evidence for hepatotoxicity exists in the literature. However, reports of acute liver toxicity associated with consumption of Chaparral containing products surfaced in 1990 through 1992, leading to the issuance of a warning by the FDA to cease manufacturing of Chaparral. The American Herbal Products Association initiated a review of four cases and found the reported toxicity to be due to idiosyncratic reactions in persons with pre-existing liver conditions.


Blood-Borne / Systemic Viruses

The following blood-borne viruses are commonly found in clinical practice today.

Herpes viruses: getting rid of the symptoms related to the Herpes virus doesn’t mean that the virus is eliminated. The virus can remain dormant and break out again when the host’s immunity becomes compromised. Herpes viruses are known to have oncogenic potential.

There are seven known Herpes viruses:

1. Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) is associated with painful blisters of the lips, mouth, and eyes.

 2. Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2) is associated with painful blisters on the skin and the moist lining of the genitalia. HSV-2 will often recur because it establishes a latent infection of the sacral sensory nerve ganglia. Infected pregnant women can transmit the virus to the newborn during birth. Women with genital herpes are much more likely to develop uterine (cervical) cancer.  Standard medical treatment of genital herpes is with Acyclovir.

3. Varicella-Zoster virus causes a primary disease (chickenpox) and a recurrent disease (shingles).

4. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects B-cell lymphocytes and is well known to produce infectious mononucleosis characterized by recurring headaches, chronic fatigue, chills, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, fever, and muscle aches. The chronic fatigue can persist for years to come. (According to Kerry Bone, there is a correlation between Epstein-Barr virus infections and late onset Multiple Sclerosis).

5. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) produces an infectious mononucleosis-like disease, although usually not as severe. CMV, along with Epstein-Barr are the most common sources of viral-related Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

6. Human Herpesvirus Type 6 (HHV-6) was first identified as the African Swine Fever Virus but later determined to be a type of Herpes virus. The majority of persons living in the United States (apx. 90%) possess antibodies to HHV-6, meaning that most Americans have been exposed to it. This virus can be isolated from saliva and is transmitted by upper respiratory tract secretions: sneezing, coughing, and kissing. And like the other Herpes viruses, HHV-6 lies dormant until the person’s immune function becomes compromised and then can manifest.  

7. Human Herpesvirus Type 7 (HHV-7) is newly discovered and not well defined.

Retroviruses: are mildly invasive by themselves and are usually secondary to infection with Herpes viruses. Retroviruses are divided into three types:  1.Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which is commonly believed to be the cause of AIDS,  2. Spumaviruses which are identified as “spuma” or “foamy” viruses through electron microscopes because they induce extensive fluid-filled spaces (vacuolization) within the hosts cells that they infect. John Martin, MD, Ph.D., chief of molecular immunopathology at USC medical center has linked the Spuma-type Retrovirus to Chronic Fatigue Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS). He found evidence of the virus in 160 out of 300 patients diagnosed with CFIDS.  3. Endogenous Types B, C, & D Retroviruses are oncoviruses (cancer-causing).

Hepatitis viruses

- Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) is an enterovirus which produces infectious hepatitis characterized by an abrupt onset and a relatively short incubation period (15 to 45 days) and are transferred by the fecal-oral route.

- Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is a hepadnavirus which produces serum hepatitis characterized by a chronic and potentially degenerative form of hepatitis with a long incubation period (60 days to 180 days).  HBV can become latent and the infected person can be a carrier even without symptoms or clinical signs.

- Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) As of 1998, HCV occurs in epidemic proportions affecting about 5.7 million Americans. It is transmitted in newborns at an unknown rate. 80-95% of IV drug users may be infected with HCV. The incidence of HCV prior to the 1970’s was largely confined to southeast Asia. The epidemic in the United States today is probably the result of blood transfusions and IV drug use in southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. The test for the virus wasn’t developed until 1989, and previous infections were lumped into the non-A / non-B category. After an initial episode of acute hepatitis, which may be overlooked due to the mild symptomatology, the infection can remain latent for 20-30 years before expression as chronic active hepatitis. HCV today is by far the most common form of viral hepatitis, a common cause of liver cancer, and of cirrhosis and liver failure.

Oncogenic viruses are viruses that alter cell growth, cell surface antigens, and biochemical processes. They introduce “activating factors” which induces gene expression resulting in tumor development and malignancy. The most common oncogenic viruses are Retroviruses, Herpes viruses, Hepatitis C virus, and Human T-Cell Leukemia virus.

Antiviral Drugs

The treatment of diseases caused by viruses presents a set of complex problems. Only a few drugs have been developed as “anti-viral” because viruses harbor and infect living cells. The pharmaceutical agent that kills the virus also kills the human host cell leading to widespread tissue damage. The drugs that have been approved as antiviral agents are mainly used to treat hospitalized patients with severe immune deficiency. The most commonly prescribed antiviral drugs are Acyclovir, Vidarabine, Idoxuridine, Trifluridine,  Ribavirin, and AZT.

Antiviral Herbs

Certain herbs possess antiviral properties that provide specific therapeutic actions such as blocking viral receptor sites so they are unable to attach to the human host cell and inhibiting viral enzymes such as the ability of Olive Leaf extract to inhibit viral protease and Echinacea’s ability to inhibit hyaluronidase.

Non-Specific Mechanisms of action:

    - cellular resistance

    - inflammation

    - interferon production

    - Humoral immunity

    - Cell-mediated immunity

Note: Viral-induced immunosuppression results when infecting viruses alter the immune responsiveness of lymphocytes or decrease the numbers of lymphocytes.



Contents: Olive Leaf, Hyssop, Raspberry Leaf, Schisandra Berry, Echinacea Root.

Medicinal Actions: Antiviral, Immunostimulant. The secondary actions include adaptogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, alterative, expectorant, diaphoretic.

Indications:  This compound possesses a broad spectrum of antiviral activity. The complex nature of treating viral infections is inhibiting the replication of the virus without affecting the viability or functioning of the host cell. The selective toxicity of certain therapeutic herbal remedies is the underlying advantage to the pharmaceutical antivirals. The herbs selected for this formula were primarily chosen for their effectiveness against systemic (blood-borne) viruses.

However, many of the systemic viral infections are not entirely curable. Therefore, therapy must focus on viral remission, palliative relief, and immune support.

Dosage: initial dosage 2-3 ml. (= 2-3 droppersful) up to 6 times daily for 7 days, then reduce dosage to 2-3 ml. 3 times daily. During the initial dosage period, if the patient complains of symptoms getting worse, this usually indicates viral kill-off.  Have them reduce their dosage frequency to 3 times daily. If significant improvement occurs during the first 3 days, then the patient may reduce the dosage frequency to 3 times daily after 5 days.  How long they stay on the formula depends upon the practioner’s clinical judgement; with the chronic, degenerative types of viral infection, therapy may be required for up to 3 months.

Pre-Cautions: No side effects noted, however some patients have complained of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or fatigue during the initial viral kill-off phase. 

Adjunctive Therapy: Immune support from the Adapogen formula and adrenal support from Siberian Ginseng are indicated when long term immunodeficiency exists. These additional remedies will help to raise a person’s vitality, resistance to recurrent infection, and adaptation

to environmental stresses.

Respiratory Viruses

Rhinoviruses are the most common cause of the common cold.

Coronaviruses are the second most common cause of the common cold and are generally more severe. There are hundreds of serotypes of both Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses.

Paramyxoviruses and Orthomyxoviruses are the most common sources of influenza which is characterized by sudden onset, chills, fever, loss of appetite, severe fatigue, muscular aches, restlessness, sore throat, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Usually self-limiting but can be lethal with infants, elderly, and immuno-compromised persons.

Adenoviruses  Group B produces an influenza-like respiratory infection which often leads to pneumonia. Group D produces sporadic and epidemic viral conjunctivitis “pink eye”.

Herbal Treatment for Respiratory Viral Infections                                            

Coryzaborant and / or Kid Cold are designed for the treatment of Colds & Flu, since these formulas target the respiratory system. They provide antiviral activity and possess volatile oils that are eliminated through the lungs which promote the clearing of the infective viral debris, phlegm, and mucosal inflammation.  

Dosage: The innovative dosage schedule applies here: 2-3 ml. (2-3 droppersful) up to 6 times daily until complete resolution has occurred (symptom-free for 3 days).  If after 5-7 days of infection, the patient develops a purulent mucus discharge (thick mucus yellow to green in color) change to INF-Fighter. The purulent mucus discharge implies a bacterial phase of infection has begun. The opportunistic bacteria residing in the mucosa of the respiratory system feed on the infective viral debris. If not treated properly, the Cold / Flu process can turn into a full-blown bacterial infection leading to bronchitis and pneumonia.

Adjunctive Therapy:  Lung Health is recommended if coughing or lung congestion becomes a continued problem. ALG / Sinus is helpful for upper respiratory congestion of the ears, nose, and sinuses and for head cold symptoms such as sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.


Fungal Infections

- pathogenic fungi can invade and cause disease in a healthy host (ex. Blastomyces,                        Histoplasma, Coccidioides)

- opportunistic fungi will infect only compromised persons (ex. Candida, Cryptococcus)

Pathogenic fungi have the ability to produce poisons called mycotoxins.

- Blastomyces is found as a mold in soil along water ways and in decaying wood. 

Blastomycosis is primarily characterized by pulmonary lesions (suppurative and granulomatous). There is a cutaneous form known as Blastomyces dermititidis that produces dermatitis.  

- Histoplasmosis  caused by Histoplasma capsulatum  produces “fungal flu” which can range from a mild flu to a severe disseminated disease leaving residual calcification in the lungs. Most acute infections last about two weeks and usually self-resolve. Symptoms are flu-like with fever, night sweats, muscular aches, sinusitis, sore throat, pleuritic pain with a non-productive cough, malaise, and shortness of breath.

- Coccidioidomycosis is sometimes referred to as valley fever as it occurs in epidemic proportions after dust storms in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Coccidioidomycosis is characterized by respiratory and sinus infections. Symptoms are similar to Histoplasmosis but may also include joint pain.

Opportunistic fungi are endogenous microorganisms of low inherent virulence that cause infection in immunocompromised patients. Opportunistic mycoses are caused most commonly by Candida, Cryptococcus, and Aspergillus and all have potential for systemic infection.

- Candida albicans is by far the most common opportunistic fungi. It has an affinity towards mucous membranes of the mouth, GI tract, vagina, urinary system, and respiratory system. The invading yeast colonies produce inflammation of the mucosa and release toxins which may be absorbed into the bloodstream. When the Candida toxins become bloodborne, the patient may experience allergies, headaches, memory impairment and “mental fogginess”, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, low libido, and depression. Candida infections are a primary complicating factor in AIDS, cancer, pneumonia, and other hospitalized patients leading to early death. Candida albicans normally resides in our GI tract and lives by eating dead tissue rather than living matter; however, when the GI tract undergoes ecological change (typically as a result of antibiotics), Candida changes into a pathogen. The yeast, no longer harmless, interferes with homeostasis.  Other causes for Candida infection include use of steroids, cortisone, and birth control pills; in addition a diet high in refined sugar. Medical treatment: Nystatin and Diflucan remain as the most commonly prescribed drugs for Candida.

- Cryptococcus neoformans presents clinically most commonly as pneumonia and meningitis.

Often found as an opportunist in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and in the various forms of leukemia.

- Aspergillus fumigatus is a very common mold in our environment whose airborne spores are constantly in the air.  Immunocompromised patients are often affected with allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis.



Fungalytic Compound

Contents: Usnea Lichen, Pau D’Arco, Black Walnut Hulls, Thuja Leaf.

Medicinal Actions: antifungal primarily.

Indications:  Fungalytic compound is indicated in both pathogenic and opportunistic infections.

This compound may be used topically for cutaneous involvement and internally for sinus, bronchial, and lung infections. For the treatment of fungal sinus infections, a diluted mixture of the compound may be used to flush the nasal and sinus cavities. This is helpful also when previous allergy treatments are unsuccessful and for patients with known mold allergies. Fungalytic compound is a valuable part of a treatment protocol to control Candida albicans infections. Such a protocol would include avoiding antibiotic usage unless absolutely necessary, discontinuing birth control pills, steroids, and hormonal drugs, reducing sugar intake, and supplementing with garlic and probiotics.

Dosage: 2-3 ml. (=2-3 droppersful) four to six times daily. This compound can be taken for up

to 6 weeks at a time. Conditions requiring treatment longer than 6 weeks, should use alternative antifungal formulas such as C-Pel. For sinus infections: dilute 1 ml. Fungalytic Cpd. with 1 fl oz. water and flush up nasal cavity (using 5 ml. plastic syringe found at any pharmacy). The nasosinus flush treatment should be done twice daily. For vaginal infections, dilute 4 ml. Fungalytic Cpd. with 4 fl oz. water and douche twice daily.  

Pre-Cautions: Not to be used during pregnancy. Not recommended for use by patients with underlying kidney pathology such as chronic nephritis or renal failure.

Adjunctive Therapy: C-Pel (a combination of goldenseal root, barberry root, pau d’arco, chamomile, lavender, thyme, and ginger root) is an effective anti-candida formula to provide a milder alternative to Fungalytic Cpd.  C-Pel is particularly useful for GI tract involvement as related to Candida infections.

Immune support from the Adapogen formula and adrenal support from Siberian Ginseng are indicated when long term immunodeficiency exists. These additional remedies will help to raise a person’s vitality, resistance to recurrent infection, and adaptation to environmental stresses.


Parasite Infections

- Parasites can harm their hosts by causing local tissue irritation, interfering with bodily functions, and releasing toxins into the body.

- Most people don’t realize the enormous adverse impact that parasites have on human beings worldwide. They are the sources of serious diarrheal diseases and constitute the greatest single cause of sickness and death for mankind.

- Diagnosis is often difficult for parasite infections. You may have to test and retest a number of times. Worms and their eggs can usually be diagnosed in stool samples. However, some of the hard to diagnose monocellular parasites may be present in spite of normal stool findings.

Blood-borne protozoa and Trematode flukes can isolate themselves in specific locations of the body, and are dormant and active intermittently.

-  Parasites, as a general rule, are sensitive to acidic environments. Our body’s primary defense against parasites is HCl production by the stomach. However, people with deficient HCl production and those taking antacids are prone to parasite infection.




Contents: Black Walnut Hulls (green), Quassia Bark, Papaya Leaf, Clove Bud.

Medicinal Actions: - Antiparasitic, antifungal, aperient.

Indications: Parasite infections including pathogenic protozoa, bacterial intracellular parasites, and helmintic worm infestations.

- The following signs and symptoms may be present with parasite infections: diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and cramping, abdominal distension, flatulence, irregular bowel movements, pruritus ani, rectal bleeding, constipation, body odor, malabsorption, weight loss, low back pain, increased food sensitivities / food allergies, leucopenia, chronic fatigue, skin rashes, arthritis, allergies, and asthma.

- Vermifuge is also indicated for certain fungal infections as in opportunistic Candida albicans overgrowth secondary to parasite involvement.  A high percentage of Crohn’s Disease patients test positive for parasites and treatment would therefore be of utmost importance.

Dosage: 2-3 ml. (=2-3 droppersful) three to four times daily for 2 weeks. Vermifuge taken in three week intervals is required to eradicate the parasite egg cycle, as the eggs may be unaffected by treatment, the newly hatched one’s must be treated to prevent recurrence. This can be accomplished by a two week on and two week off treatment protocol. With difficult cases, repeating this protocol may be necessary, assuming that the patient tolerates the formula well and signs of improvement are noted.

Pre-Cautions: Not to be used during pregnancy. Vermifuge is completely safe in the recommended dosage range. However, some degree of toxicity will be evident with herbs that are effectively anti-parasitic in activity. Black Walnut hulls are considered toxic in large amounts, therefore aggressive dosing and prolonged use is not recommended. Several other antiparasitic herbs which are not present in this formula are many times more toxic. Examples include American Wormseed (Chenopodium spp.) Pinkroot (Spigelia marilandica), Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas), and Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium).

Adjunctive Therapy: milder forms of parasite medicine may be indicated for sensitive individuals.  Examples include garlic, thyme, butternut bark, pumpkin seeds, pineapple, and figs.

Avoiding antacids and supplementing with HypoDigestive will help to normalize stomach acid secretion. The HypoDigestive formula contains Gentian Root, Barberry Root, American Calamus, Orange Peel, and Ginger Root.

Note: Pet owners are recommended to treat their dogs and cats with Vermifuge: 1 dropperful twice daily for cats and small dogs;  2 droppersful twice daily for large dogs.